What is an employer brand? How to build a successful employer brand?

What is an employer brand and why it has been widely used in the marketing literature in recent years is an important topic that we will address. Undoubtedly, it has happened to all of us many times that before applying for a job in a company, we have inquired about the employer or the manager of that company, or we dream of being hired in companies whose managers are qualified and capable. They are famous. What do you think is the reason for this way of thinking and behaving?

In fact, companies that create great work experience for their employees are always the most sought after for employment, while companies that do not have a good reputation and brand among their employees; They are not attractive to job seekers at all.

According to research, about 86% of people are reluctant to work in unreliable companies. We mean an unreliable company, a place where its staff and former employees have no satisfaction with their employer and do not consider it a suitable place for valuable employee experiences. This is where the concept of "employer brand" comes into play, which we are going to look at from different angles. Stay with us in until the end.

What is Employee Branding?

Do you think that just producing a quality product or service that has no competitor in the market can keep employees in that company or organization? You guessed it, producing quality goods is not a good reason to keep employees. What keeps an employee committed to staying in the workplace is the positive relationship that exists between him and the employer.

In fact, the type of relationship employees have with the manager largely depends on the values ​​and culture of the organization. So much so that if a job applicant asks you what your company is like to work; You are talking about good management of your workplace, appropriate organizational culture and the value they place on staff, not the quality and number of daily products of the company!

Given the above, have you probably figured out what an employer brand is? "Employer brand is a narrative of business that shows how the business is managed from the perspective of job seekers and employees. In fact, what makes other people interested in working with a company is the strong employer brand of that company. ”

Remember that there is a direct relationship between your business's employer brand and the willingness of experts to work for the company. This means that the stronger your brand, the more professionals are interested in working for your company. On the other hand, more and more people recognize your company as a good environment for growth and development. 

The difference between a company brand and an employer brand

Many people consider the two concepts of company brand and employer brand as one thing. Because the reason for this kind of thinking is the close relationship between these two concepts. In general, the company's brand expresses the overall reputation and credibility of businesses, but in the employer brand, the credibility of a business in the field of manpower is important.

But the common denominator between the two is that both brands influence each other. In such a way that if the brand of a business company is known and successful; Many people are applying for employment in that business. However, if the brand of the employer of the same company is not strong, the overall reputation of the company will be reduced.


What are the benefits of a strong employer brand?

To better understand the value of this type of brand, you must first be familiar with its benefits. These benefits also include:


High demand for employment in the company

As mentioned, creating a strong brand will increase the demand for employment, especially from professionals and experienced people. 

Short time and hiring process

Because the number of people interested in working in such companies is high, people accept the job offer quickly after receiving it and come to their job position without wasting time. Because they know that in this company, great importance is given to employees and they are comfortable with the amount of salary and other work issues.


High power in attracting professionals and capable people

Successful and well-known businesses in this field are doing well in attracting experts in various fields. In fact, such companies are an attractive place for capable and specialized people.  

Long-term maintenance of manpower

Undoubtedly, we all like to work with an organization in the long run whose managers attach special importance to values, organizational culture, and employee growth.

How to build a strong employer brand?

To build a successful brand in this regard, the first step is to draw the details of the brand and business identity. In fact, you should be able to present your business identity to job seekers and other people who are interested in working for your company in the best possible way. So answer these questions:

  • What are the values ​​of your organization?
  • What beliefs do you intend to pass on to others?
  • What are your goals and prospects for strengthening the employer brand?

After answering the above questions, it's time to create your brand identity. So you have to start and implement your plans to achieve this. For example, if the growth of employees and their support in career paths is a motto that you constantly mention, you should have a well-codified plan to achieve this.

For example, you can share such stories on social media while narrating and creating stories about your employees' successes. By doing this, you will develop your brand among cyberspace users and you will take a positive step to realize your brand identity.

How to upgrade the employer brand?

One of the problems that the lack of promotion of the employer brand creates is the occurrence of problems when hiring talented people. Employer brand promotion helps the organization to stay in the minds of employees and job seekers like world famous brands and to attract many professionals to work with your collection. In the following, we will describe the basic principles that have an impact on brand promotion.

Statement of Values

Fundamental values ​​are the factor that can hold different parts together in any organization. These values ​​inject the necessary energy for the success of employees and are the main factor in promoting the employer brand. The reason this principle is so important is that it can teach job applicants and current employees of the organization how to communicate with the collection.


The set of perspectives, values, and missions that are defined in an organization are organizational culture . The culture in any organization includes how employees communicate with each other and how to achieve goals. Although the collection's mission reflects its culture; But the determining factor in this regard is also the satisfaction of employees with their jobs. In other words, the existing culture can lead to the achievement of the goals of the collection when each employee is satisfied with it.

Declaration of Diversity

It is good to know that words like justice, comprehensiveness and diversity are not just a series of decorative words used in the human resources unit of organizations! In fact, these words are very important and practical for organizations that want to hire capable people. The Diversity Statement is the written text in which the organization is committed to having diversity justice and comprehensiveness about its customers and employees. In this text, the value of comprehensiveness and its benefits for achieving the ultimate goals are also mentioned.

If you are looking to promote your employer brand, such a statement will help you demonstrate your commitment to the principles of diversity and fairness. Remember, the main condition for brand promotion is not just writing this text. At the same time, you should consider the feelings and needs of the people working in the collection.

Hiring marketing!

Employing alone is not enough to attract capable people! In fact, the factor that leads the organization to its goal is the use of appropriate methods of recruitment marketing. Recruitment marketing refers to the use of methods that make people eager to work for a company. The purpose of using such methods is to make a recruitment funnel. By doing this, more recruitment options are available and talented and professional people can be recruited from among them. 


Another principle that helps to promote the employer brand is the work environment you create for your employees. It is good to know that your office reflects the culture and values ​​that govern the collection. Proper use of lighting, appropriate patterns and colors, space design and… determines the importance you attach to your workforce. By designing a suitable and standard interior space, you can best communicate the relationship between employees.

What is the meaning of employer brand strategy?

The set of solutions that can link employment through social media and online network marketing is called the Employer Branding Strategy. By using such strategies, your employees will become the online ambassadors of your collection. Of course, having a strategy does not mean forcing your workforce to put the company logo as a profile picture, but you should bring them to the point of job satisfaction that they themselves convey positive thoughts about the environment in which they work. . Sharing positive experiences from the workplace will create a clear insight into the company's organizational culture.

Using such strategies is not suitable for small companies with, for example, 5 employees! But an organization with 50 people should try to apply branding strategies as much as possible and improve its employer brand as much as possible. In the following, we will refer to the steps of making the employer's brand strategy:

  1. Coordinate employer brand strategies with the needs of the collection
  2. Specify practical goals
  3. Determining Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  4. Develop a program to measure the effective factors
  5. Deciding on the resources used (internal or external)
  6. Characterization to introduce the goal
  7. Create the value offered by the employer
  8. Review the hiring process
  9. Paying attention to the persistence factors of the current forces
  10. Specify a way to communicate with contacts
  11. Made the client's brand with the ideal personality
  12. Prepare and compile a content calendar
  13. Consider the obstacles that arise during the implementation of the strategy.
  14. Ensure that employees have a thorough understanding of the strategy.
  15. Analyze incoming messages
  16. Change the direction of the strategy (if necessary)
  17. Repeat the previous steps to achieve the desired result

But the conclusion

In this article from Targeted web traffic, we mentioned what an employer brand is and to strengthen it, you have to start working today because tomorrow is late. Believe that all the expenses you make to introduce and introduce your employer brand is a profitable investment that you will see the result in the long run.

In any case, paying attention to employees and providing a favorable working environment for them is the most important and basic thing you need to do in order for your brand to be successful. Show your staff in action how important and useful they are to you, design a cordial environment where employees feel comfortable; Then share this active, dynamic and sincere workspace on your social networks so that others can see what the characteristics of a successful employer brand are!